[CSS-Hack] Flüssiges Layout fürs Forum

[CSS-Hack] Flüssiges Layout fürs Forum

in Fan-Inhalte

Posted by: smiley.1438


Auch hier nochmal: ich habe mir die Tage einen Stylesheet gebastelt, da mir es auf den Keks ging, dass beim lesen des Forums 50% des Bildschirms leer sind. Eigentlich wollte ich ja nur fix die Breite einstellen, aber es ist irgendwie ein Redesign draus geworden… Viel Spaß damit!


 * Fluid Layout CSS Hack for the official Guild Wars 2 Forums
 * This stylesheet will override the forums default style and set it to a fluid full width layout
 * with increased font sizes for better readability at high resolutions.
 * It will also fix a few quirks like the unusable language links on the top and margins around smileys,
 * increases the size of editor textareas and hides the e-mail address in the forums overall header.
 * (if you ever happen to make screenshots on the forums)
 * intended for use with tools like:
 * Stylebot (developed and tested with that)
 * https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylebot/oiaejidbmkiecgbjeifoejpgmdaleoha
 * Stylish for Firefox (a few things somehow don't work, like min-height for posts)
 * https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/stylish/
 * ...or any other browser plug-in which lets you add user defined styles.
 * If you have suggestions or encounter problems with this stylesheet, just drop me a line on the gw2 forums
 * or just leave a comment right here on GitHub. (just don't ask me how to install this!)
 * smiley.1438

(ich denke mal, soviel englisch versteht noch jeder hier, oder?)
