Update am 17. Sep

Update am 17. Sep

in Diskussionen zu Guild Wars 2

Posted by: Nerankar.5684


Falls noch nicht bekannt….
Am 17.Sep kommt noch ein Update raus und wir dürfen uns an Sachen erfreuen wie z.b. das LFG-Tool und eine Änderung an Tequatl.

Ich lass Euch einfach diesen Link hier.
Und diese auch:

Viel Spaß beim durchlesen.

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Update am 17. Sep

in Diskussionen zu Guild Wars 2

Posted by: Turak.3286


Einen Link haste vergessen und ich finde, dort steht am meisten :


Update am 17. Sep

in Diskussionen zu Guild Wars 2

Posted by: Nerankar.5684



Offizielle Wikis zu Guild Wars 2 Deutsch / Englisch /// Dulfy – MMO guides and more!
Vorschläge zum Spiel? —-Derzeit keine Seite bekannt-—
Exploit gefunden? Hier hin senden: exploits@arena.net /// Rechtliche Informationen

Update am 17. Sep

in Diskussionen zu Guild Wars 2

Posted by: Turak.3286



I’m willing to bet someday when people get really good at him, less than 80 people will be able to pull it off, that tends to be how anything works in an MMO. It’s balanced for 80 average players though though and scales up into the hundreds because we want to make epic, large scale encounters available to players out in the open world. We’ll have a mix of a lot of different types of encounters as we continue to update our boss and world encounters, but Tequatl specifically is intended to go for the epic scale.

The idea is we’re going to make him hard, and require a lot of players, he needs to have rewards that make that time worthwhile. In the next update the same philosophy will apply to the karka queen, who will get a bump to her rewards as well given her difficulty; her base line player number is much lower than 80.

Extra bonus info: The highest chance of having a rare chance ascended weapon for you is on Tequatl’s daily bonus chest if you defeat him: game on.


I love the idea, and the mass events is great. However, I think if you are going to do this and require such large numbers for mass stuff, that you should have a notification thing (similar to the current one for Scarlet Briar) that tells us when these epic events are happening. I think participation would be much more likely. Just make it so we can turn it off and on, for those who aren’t interested.

We’re looking into this functionality yes! If we end up messaging multiple bosses long term we’ll likely make this an option you can turn on/off in the options panel so people not interested can ignore the spamalot.


Will the system which allows the Scarlet Invasions to ‘echo’ in to overflow servers be applied to this and other current large-scale events?

During the release Tequatl will work this way yes, all overflows created within 10 mintues or so of Tequatl arriving will also inherent the event. We’re doing this manually right now while our engineering team works on the ability to have this handled automagically by the system, once that is completed we’d roll that concept out to other major encounters as the default behavior…forever. No ETA on this, but we’re working on it right now.


If 80 people are required, is Tequatl’s chest (not the bonus one) lootable more than once a day? If not, not enough people will show up after prime time, especially on the lower pop servers.

It is yes, Taco will have normal every time rewards (rewards for each 25% health interval you’re able to take him down) as well as a bonus daily reward roll you can also get for defeating him.

Edit: Hab mit dem zitieren aus dem enlischen Forum nicht so auf die reihe bekommen.
Trotzdem ist hier mal der Link zum Thread:

(Zuletzt bearbeitet am von Turak.3286)