Bin etwas zu faul, dass hier noch zu übersetzen, deswegen die englische Form mit dem Link zur Skillung, werds die Tage vielleicht übersetzen:
Hi there,
I spent some time reading through the forums, looking at different builds and what their focus is, as well as testing some. One thing becomes clear: You must discriminate between PvP and PvE. There is no: I have the best built for all! Traits are the main thing that change with the considerations.
Here is the build I am using right now and it works the best in PvE for me at least. It is for pure range DPS for use in the explorer modi, meta events and I guess for leveling(go into domination and duelling first):;TsAg0Cno4ywlgLLXOukctsYYxmAA
Stats I go for is: power, precision, condition damage; try to get around 15k HP with clerical armor. Illusions do not gain any benefit from the mesmer’s vitality, condition duration or boon duration, so try avoid these stats. You dont need much thoughness or vitality in dungeons, if a boss comes to you, you run away or your down on the floor, no matter what ( going for vit/toughness is for PvP and not PvE). In cloth armor your cannon fodder. This is also the explanation for why I dropped sword from my combo. I found running in and trying to get that salve (nice DPS, no debate here) of, killed me more than the sustained DPS from being ranged, hence now I use scepter/pistol. Using the GS and Scepter/pistol combo allows you to sustain ranged DPS at all times while running around, avoiding the killing skills from the monsters/boss.
A little to my trait selection:
For understanding:
Illusions = phantasms and clones,
phantasms = skill 4 of all weapons and combos of weapons
clones = created by various skills, hit between 1 and 20
A significant amount of DPS comes from your phantasms and near to zero from clones. So what you dont want to do, is to shatter your phantasms. The pistol one does up to 8k, the beserker from GS is a nice AoE burner. Phantasms can be considered the salve example of the warriors: Hundred Blades, but not doing half as much damage ( I have a 80 warrior as well if your wondering).
The built in the link focuses on maximum buffage for the phantasms, which means:
Having maxmium recharge rate (5 spent in illusions, skill X in domination for greatsword, skill IX for pistol in dueling and skill X in illusions) and increased damage (skill III in domination) for your phantasms, as well as giving you on your 1 -3 skills the maximum damage for each illusion present (Illusions skill III).
Spending points in such a way, focusing totally on maximum buffage of your strongest DPS skills, leaves 10 unspent. Those last 10 points can be spent to your own liking, but for DPS there is only one option: Go 30 into dueling and choose skill XI, which brings me to our skills 6 to 8, number 9 is a no brainer, anyone not taking time warp should consider playing a different class. Skill XI grants 4% of increased damage per active mantra, so 6 to 8 should be mantras, which are very helpful to break out of stuns, remove conditions and deal some damage. You now might think, why did I not choose Skill XI in domination instead of Skill X in illusion, I simply think getting phantams up faster again gives me more benefit than being able to use mantras a third time, as activating of mantras is real slow. Most other skills for slots 6 to 8 are for PvP in my opinion and have their utility their.
Have fun trying this, numbers going up are real nice and I try to avoid to shatter my phantams… use mind wrack if you want, but get clones up fast before.