Waldläufer Patch

Waldläufer Patch

in Waldläufer

Posted by: Count van Count.9570

Count van Count.9570

Wurde im EN Forum gepostet von JonPeters einem Game Designer

Poof! Someone called and I am here. We made some ranger changes this patch, but had to go back on them because of risk factor. There are some bugs being fixed and quality of life improvements coming in the next patch, as well as some other significant ranger improvements. I would Literally tell you but I think it would be considered a bit of a spoiler so you will have to be patient.
While we work hard to keep updates going on all professions, not very build us going to contain fixes for everyone due to the nature of software development. One problem with rangers is the lack of build diversity created by a number of sub par utility skills. Many signets, a shout or two, and spirits are all a bit lackluster. That is the first place to expect improvements. Second is trying to improve the feel/ pacing on some weapons.
Ok I can’t type more with tiny phone finger keypad. See you in game!

Waldläufer Patch

in Waldläufer

Posted by: Saba Med.2056

Saba Med.2056

Es freut mich sehr, zu sehen, dass Anet reagiert und endlich mal eine Info bzgl. Waldläufer an die Community weitergibt.
Damit kann man doch leben :-)
Darum hier an dieser Stelle ein: DANKE an Jon

Waldläufer Patch

in Waldläufer

Posted by: Destiny.6738


Danke für’s Feedback.

Allerdings hätte man die ersten improvements ruhig mal in den Patch miteinbauen können. Und wann der nächste Patch sein wird? Wer weiss es schon.

" We made some ranger changes this patch, but had to go back on them because of risk factor. "

Respektive die anderen Klassen voran gestellt wurden?

Die Stellungnahme lässt hoffen, aber Worte alleine ändern nichts, es ist dringends Handlungsbedarf angesagt!

Waldläufer Patch

in Waldläufer

Posted by: Moderator.2968


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