Posts von TobStar.3294 anzeigen:

Anfängerin sucht nette Gilde

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Posted by: TobStar.3294


Gilde gesucht

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Posted by: TobStar.3294


Suche Gilde

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Posted by: TobStar.3294


Fischsuppe [Fish] needs you! Swim with us to GLORY

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Posted by: TobStar.3294


Fischsuppe [Fish] is an international PvE and PvP Guild. Well, actually we are doing every Aspect of the Game. We are still just a few players. We really want to get bigger and get more people to play with us. We are based on Desolation and using the DesoSpeak while doing Dungeons or PvP (Ts is NOT required, but we love to laugh and talk with each other).
We are Newbe friendly and really don’t mind explaining everything, we all started from Zero!
Since WE want YOU tell me, if YOU want US
/w TobStar.3294 for more informations or join request’s
