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Phishing E-Mail von "ArenaNet"

in Technische und account-spezifische Fragen

Posted by: dExec.6093


Hallo. Im laufe der letzten paar Wochen habe ich bereits einige, in wiklich schlechten Englisch verfasste phishing mails erhalten. Diese Version jedoch sieht schon beinahe “legit” aus XD… wenn man davon absieht , dass sowas für einen deutschen Account auch in Deutsch verfasst werden sollte. Wie auch immer der Vollständigkeit wegen poste ich diese Version.
Guild Wars 2 Account Will Be Shut Down Inform

We are sorry to inform you that your login account will be shut down or partially limited within 72 hours due to currency transactions or abnormal login. If you want to remove restrictions, please click the following link to validate:

Recently, account abuse is obviously rising up. Please pay attention to the safety your account. Don’t share account with any other people. We will not ask for your email password in any forms on our end. With the password, hackers will be able to log in the account through our security verification. If you have any account problem, please click on the link below:

We will come up with certain security protection measure to protect this account.If your account is limited due to our negligence, we will remove the restriction on our end and offer you a mysterious gift in game as compensation for the inconvenience.

Need help or have questions about your account? Please visit our:

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